
This blog is a diary, of sorts, detailing my life as a handicapped person. I'll be sharing everything from capabilities to compensations to hardships, and everything in between. Thanks for coming along for the ride!


Day 9: I warned ya, World!

Well, I've mentioned before that if someone said something really lame to me, they were going to star on my blog! I'm surprised that it's happened again already, but what can I say? I warned ya! ;-)
Today, I posted a link to my handicapped work out site (http://becauseicandoit.com) on FlyLady's FaceBook group. I actually had a woman respond to that by chewing me out for using the word 'handicapped' instead of 'disabled'. SERIOUSLY?? Who cares! At the end of the day, does it REALLY matter what 'its' called?? It is what it is!
For me, I was born with a COMPROMISED (how's THAT word? LOL) body. In MY head, for me to be 'disabled', I would have to have once been ABLED at some point. I never have been - at least not by the world's terms. Compensation for things that I can't do has been my ENTIRE lifestyle since the day I was born.
I don't have the time or patience to sit around feeling sorry for myself about all the things I "can't" do. If I want it badly enough, I'm going to figure out a way to get it done. Period.
Yes, my confidence gets shaken occasionally. Yes, I get discouraged sometimes. But seriously, my mobility is a LOT more important to me than playin' stupid word games that have no bearing whatsoever on my life.
If you are handicapped (or disabled...or crippled...or whatever the heck ya feel like calling it!) and want to better yourself, your health, and your mobility, come work out with me! I'd love to have you.
If a Twinkie is more important to you than those things, by all means, eat it and be content with living an unhealthy lifestyle. I'm not your mommy OR your preacher - doesn't make ONE bit of difference to me!
Do I think I'm 'all that' for losing the weight that I have and working out? Of course not. It's all a matter of priorities. For me, personally, I'm not content with other people doing everything for me all the time. I may never run a 5K, but I don't NEED that to be happy. As long as I can keep going at MY pace, that's good enough for me.


Day 8: The kindness of strangers

I'm currently preparing (via exercise, nutrition, etc) to climb to Timp Cave here in Utah on August 14th of this year. Maybe I've mentioned it? Don't remember. Anyway! I've created a 'support group' of sorts for that goal. In my head, I need to surround myself with people who encourage me to do this, because it IS a rather daunting task for me. Here's the link, if you're interested:


I'm TRULY amazed, and VERY blessed to have the friends (both old and new!) that I do. I'm especially grateful for the kindness of total strangers through this experience. Out of the handful of friends originally on list, my 'following' is in to the hundreds now, as people are getting the word out and urging me to reach my goal.
I cannot thank everyone enough for their constant support and friendship. It ABSOLUTELY means the world to me that total strangers will take a few seconds out of their busy lives just to give me an extra little push and encouragement!! People all over the world are joining my cause! It's AMAZING to me! People I will most likely NEVER meet are caring about MY success!

Thank you, my friends. I really, really appreciate each and every one of you!! Don't you ever let me catch you thinking for a SECOND that your life is unimportant to anyone! You've made a difference in MY life, and I'll be forever grateful to you for it. God bless you all today and always!

Day 7: My tattoo and the little girl

I live in a VERY religious community where tattoos are extremely taboo. But, I have one, and I guess I should tell the story about it, since I'm bringing it up.
Years ago, I had surgery on my heel chord and hip. The IDEA was the straighten my leg out for better walking. Well, the surgery was done by a rather incompetent surgeon who's bill was a lot more than his brain was worth, in my opinion (yeah, I'm not bitter! LOL) To make a long story short, the surgery was botched, it screwed up my leg even more, AND left me with a long, disfigured scar on the back of my leg.
With over 30 major surgeries in my history, I'm NO stranger to scars. But this one, though rather small compared to some of the other ones, bothered me more than ANY of them. In fact, it bothered me for years!
So! A few years ago, I decided to have it covered by a tattoo. Something pretty. Something to cover up years of torturous ugliness. Now, I know I'm not much to look at, and a tattoo wasn't going to make me gorgeous all of a sudden. I knew that, and that's not the reason I did it. I did it, because I needed to not be reminded of a very ugly experience in my life. I had a LOT riding on that surgery, and to have it fail so miserably was devastating to me.
The design I chose, and actually created myself, was a dragonfly. I LOVE dragonflies! To me, they're a symbol of peace - and that's EXACTLY what I needed for this situation! It took about an hour for the guy at the shop to do it, and voila! Bad experience replaced with something beautiful (to me, anyway!)
Anyway! I went to the pool (I spend most of my time at the Rec Center or Walmart when I go out. Yeah, I have no life! LOL). I was in the locker room, though, getting ready to go into the pool, and a little girl of about 8 or 9 stopped me.
"I LOVE your tattoo! It's SO pretty!" she said.
Wow! To be honest, I was speechless! Little kids that age are typically staring at me like I'm some kind of freak. Little kids that age are typically shy and don't ever say a WORD to me, but rather hide behind the legs of their parents (who are doing everything in their power to make it look like their kid's not staring! LOL)
But this little girl was different. She wasn't looking at my crutches, or the way I walked. She wasn't caring that I was different from her. All she was interested in was my 'pretty tattoo' - and that really made ME feel pretty!
To the parents of that little girl - if you ever read this, THANK YOU! Thank you for teaching your child to look for the BEAUTY in others, and not be so caught up in the differences. Words can't express how much it's appreciated!!

Day 6: Oh, the lame things people say!!

I run across several people every day. Mostly nice! A few go the extra mile to be friendly. Some are just plain STRANGE. There's no getting around it! It's funny to me, because people tend to automatically assume that there's something wrong with my brain, just because I walk weird. But, in looking at myself, I have to wonder if "idiot magnet" is tattooed to my forehead, and I just don't see it! I've come across some VERY STRANGE people in my day!
Here are a few examples...

I pulled into a parking stall one day, and a woman came charging up to the car like a raging bull!

Lady: You can't park here!
Me: Excuse me?
Lady: This is for handicapped parking!
Me: (HUH? I didn't know what to say, so I just gave her a funny look, popped the trunk with the little button on my door, opened my door, and proceeded to the back of the car where my wheelchair was currently in the trunk.
APPARENTLY, I walk funny enough that she was able to figure out that I truly WAS handicapped and had every right to park there. She then proceeded to apologize profusely. The lesson? If you question my authenticity, I guess just check my license plates? They have little wheelchairs on them, too! LOL

Another time -
I'm at Walmart in my wheelchair. My newborn is strapped to me in one of those baby carrier things, so I can have my hands free to push myself around. A woman stopped me.

Lady: Oh, your baby is SOOOOO beautiful! (Which was strange, in and of itself, because she could only see the top of the baby's head! She then proceeded to call her adult daughter from two rows over to gush over my baby. Now, admittedly, my kids ARE extraordinarily beautiful, if I do say so, myself. But THIS was odd, in my book.)
Me: Thank you! Very sweet of you.
Lady: How in the WORLD did you DO that??
Me: Um...Just like everyone else, I guess? (Thinking...Are you serious?! Honey, if you don't know HOW, I'm certain I can't help you! LOL)
Lady: Well, she is just GORGEOUS!
Me: Thanks! (ya fruitcake! LOL)
Ok, I know there was a compliment in there, but that whole situation was just FUNNY to me!! WOW!

Another time:
Parking my car again. Got out, locked up, and started walking into the store. A guy came running up behind me, yelling at me! It actually kinda scared me, because he ran up from behind and was instantly in my face! He was VERY serious, not joking one bit!!

Man: You can't park there! (Why, why, WHY are people so freaked out about where I PARK? LOL)
Me: Why not?
Man: Because you're not crippled enough!
Me: Excuse me?
Man: You're not CRIPPLED enough! Your @$$ is kinda hot, and crippled people don't have hot @$$es!
Me: (Thinking...ARE...YOU...SERIOUS?? How the HECK am I supposed to respond to THAT?) Well, umm...I'm sorry! I guess you'll have to take that one up with the DMV!

Some people's children, I'm tellin' ya! LOL

Yet ANOTHER time:
I'm at the store again. A woman about my same age (maybe a little older?) comes up to me:

LADY: OMG! Do you have POLIO or something?
ME: No, I'm only 35 - I've had that shot.
LADY: OMG! You were SHOT?? (HUH? LOL)
ME: Um...Actually, yes! I was in the Mafia, and I got shot and am now in hiding. Shh Don't tell!

....No, what's AMAZING is that I actually have these IDIOTIC conversations with people! LOL I should write a BOOK about it!!

People! Seriously! If you don't know what to say around a handicapped person, if you're nervous in the LEAST bit and get all tongue-tied...I PROMISE, it's OK to remain silent! But, if you open your mouth around me, and proceed to make a fool of yourself, you'll most likely end up starring in my blog for all the world to laugh at right along with me! :-D Wow! Makes me want to do all my shopping online - but I guess, then I would miss out on all this free entertainment, right? Can't have THAT!


DAY 5 Continued: Just Call Me Hermione Granger!

I'm SOOOO excited, I can hardly stand it!! My mom came to me a couple of weeks ago, and asked about my pain level. I rolled my eyes, and told her she was well aware of my aches & pains.
She proceeded to tell me about 'The Wand', and told me I needed to try it. So, to humor her (good grief, I've already been exposed to every pill, potion, powder, voodoo charm, etc known to MAN!) I agreed to try it.
Within 4 minutes (LITERALLY!) of using the thing, the pain in my feet was GONE! Not only THAT, but I also got a tingling sensation in my toes that are numb!! OH, MY GOSH! I can VERY HONESTLY sit here and tell you, I have SEEN/HEARD it all when it comes to pain relief (I'm kind of an expert after so many years, ya know!) This is VERY LITERALLY the FIRST thing that has ever had any TOTAL PAIN RELIEF after just FOUR MINUTES!! The effects DID wear off about 1 1/2 hrs later, but MAN! I'm not EVEN kidding! It's the COOLEST thing I've ever seen/felt!! Where do I get my hands on one of these things to KEEP??
Today - I signed up to sell 'The Wand'...Now, I'm SOOO FREAKIN' LEARY of salespeople. I don't take that stuff lightly AT ALL, as I've been burned a few hundred times! So! You can trust me when I say that I would NOT be touchin' this thing with a 10-foot pole if I didn't see AMAZING PERSONAL results from it! If you're interested in more info, please drop me a note, and I'll get right back with ya. You WON'T be disappointed!

Day 5: Singin' In The Rain

Well, I didn't get around to posting yesterday. Whoops! My bad! It was raining, and everything was gloomy & yucky. I just didn't feel like it. Sorry!
Didn't sleep much again last night, but I DID get up and exercise. I might be a zombie today, but that's ok. I'm reading a book right now called "Day By Day with James Allen" by Vic Johnson. If you haven't read it, it's EXCELLENT! It's just a short, little 92-page job that includes "As A Man Thinketh" by James Allen. But there's daily inspirational go-get-'em type messages in it. Very cool, in my opinion! I've had a lot going on in my life lately, though, and I think I'm really craving the self-help/build yourself up information.
Anyway, to be honest, yesterday sucked on about 100 levels for several reasons. But in thinking about it, all of those issues are still here today. Me being freaked out about it didn't change anything. It just made my family crazy that I was so ornery/miserable. Onward & upward! Today's a new day! Time to hit it!!


Day 4: Body Image

I went swimming again today. I've never really worried about body image too much, as I know it can't be helped much in my case. My legs are quite twisted, my back is VERY crooked/hunched, gravity has taken over as I'm getting older...There's just not a lot there that's worth lookin' at.
I've never been overly comfortable in a swimming suit, though. But on the other hand, there's not much I can do about that, either. I LOVE swimming!! Water is a HUUUUUGE relief/down-time/relaxation for me.
For the first time today, I wasn't worried about how the suit was looking on me. In fact, I was actually kind of enjoying it. I still don't look GREAT in it, but as I've been working out and toning up, it's been getting loose - and that feels GREAT! :-) Why am I sooooo worried about my weight, when the rest of my body is trashed? I don't know! Maybe it's a 'girl thing'.
But I'm also finding that exercise has become a source of power for me. There are a bunch of people in my life who couldn't care less about their weight. I come from a long line of buffet-junkies - and most of them are unhealthy and it's hard for them to live/get around because of their weight. I do NOT want to have that life on top of everything else I have to deal with. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE my family! It just really confuses me that they would CHOOSE to handicap themselves in that way. It makes me want to double MY efforts to show them if I can exercise and be healthy, they certainly can, too. It makes me want to send them all to one of my websites (http://becauseicandoit.com) for pointers! LOL Wouldn't THAT raise a few eyebrows!